Is Online Tuition Worth it for Students?

 During the Covid-19 pandemic, many students were forced to take online classes in order to graduate their school year. Being in a depressive state and taking classes in a method never used before caused many students to develop ill-feelings to this method of teaching.

 Now, after the pandemic is over, there is a rise in the number of tuitions that are available online. However, students refuse this method of learning because they believe that it is ineffective for them. They would be in a physical class rather than in a virtual one.

I, however, believe that online tuition is not necessarily a bad thing, and can be as effective as physical in-person tuition. Infact, I believe that online tuition is much easier to take then, and often cheaper, than physical tuition.

However, there is a proper method that needs to be undertaken for the student to be able to actually learn effectively in an online class. Here are a few pointers:

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    Do not take your online class lying in bed.

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    Properly wake up and be dressed white taking an online class, like how you would be in a physical class.

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    Wear headphones in order to stay focused.

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    Take your class on a laptop or I-pad, not on your phone.

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    Keep your phone powered off or locked away somewhere.

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    - Sit properly on a desk or a study table, and have all of your notes, pencils, pens, calculators, and worksheets ready before class.

Most students do not follow these guidelines at all, which is why they find online tuition or classes ineffective to them. Modeling your online class like how you would be in a physical class makes you attentive and focused on the topic at hand. If you laze around in your bed, you will fall asleep in your online class, and then blame it for being a useless study method.

If you do follow the guidelines stated above, you will be able to learn as well as any physical class or in-person tuition.

Some other advantages of virtual tuition are:

  • Less costly in most cases.

  • No transportation costs required.

  • More flexible timing as classes can be taken late at night as well, which would have been inappropriate in physical tuition.

  • Safer for females and younger boys to attend online classes rather than in-person classes.

  • Parents can better monitor the tutor in online classes.

  • Students can be more relaxed while studying in their own room and in a comfortable atmosphere.

I would encourage everyone to consider taking online tuition because of its many benefits and because it is a very good alternative to people who cannot take physical classes for whatever reason.


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